Make Healthy Fun! 

Join Joan Martin Fee and her entertaining nephew, Bman, in exploring ten fun craft projects and recipes to get the entire family to exercise, eat healthy and unplug.  The projects are quick and easy are made with items from around your home or inexpensive items from the craft or grocery store.  Each project includes a detailed list of what you’ll need and easy to follow how-to steps.

Projects include:
·   Friendly Monster & Egg Alien – a yummy egg and tortilla roll up that’s transformed into a cute monster & a BONUS Egg Alien
·   How to Make a Garden in Any Container – grab any container and let’s get growing
·   Dough Marbles – combine cornstarch (or bread) and glue to mix up a recipe for hours of family fun
·   Confetti Hot Dogs - colorful and delicious way to get kids to eat healthy
·   Jumpin’ Bubble Wrap Shirt - part exercise, part creativity
·   Bubble Cards – a mix of chemistry and crafting for exciting results
·   Garden Tools – tissue or napkins transform ordinary into something a gardener will dig
·   Veggie Animals & Other Veggie Things – build edible critters for your munching pleasure
·   Bubbilicious Bubbles – make giant bubble with straws and string
·   Celery Rose – stamp on anything with celery!

Length: 52 minute including hilarious bloopers you won’t want to miss!

Make Healthy Fun! Video
$9.95 plus tax and shipping

Make Healthy Fun! 
Features 120 exciting craft projects and recipes.  Here are the chapters and just some of the fun projects -
Let's Get Started - Features Rules of Crafting and the Kitchen, Keep it Clean Placemat, Cornstarch or Bread Dough Recipe and more
Imagine It - Make It - Altered T Princess, Make Believe Warrior, Set the Stage!, Dream Box plus, plus, plus...
Take It Outside! - Includes Plastic Bag Kite, It's Time Capsule, Rubber Band Racquet, Graffiti Garden Flag and 14 more!
Go Ahead Play with Your Food - Just what every kid wants to do and these projects make it extra fun!  Projects include Yo Ho Gelatin Pirate Ships, Spell-It-Out Food, Veggie or Fruit Dye projects, Bubble Cards, Milk Magic Shirt and tons more
A Little Dirt Never Hurt - Whether you live in an apartment or on a farm there are ideas galore including Fashionetta Doll Scarecrow, My Very Own Seed Packet, Garden in a Bag and...
Just Plain Silly - Yup, it's just like it says! Make Silly Sticks, enjoy Musical Chore ideas, a Keep on Truckin' Birdfeeder or try your hand at learning to dance with Dancin' Feet plus a much more silliness
A Hunting We Will Go - It's time for everyone to head outside with these fun ideas.  Camo is the key to several projects, In'jean'ious Farmer's Market Bag and Water Bottle Holder are created from old jeans. You'll want to check out the other exciting ideas for your next outing
Celebrate Good Times! - How about a complete dinner on a totem pole?  Or Personal Pockets that are stuffed with yummy and healthy items?  No celebration would be complete without Mini Flying Saucers served on a Me Plate but wait, there's more...
Parent's Guide - Filled with thoughts and ideas to get the entire family to eat healthy, unplug and exercise 
Patterns - Includes all the full-size patterns you'll need for the projects! 

Make Healthy Fun! Book
$14.95 plus tax and shipping

Make Healthy Fun! 
Video and Book Combo

Make Healthy Fun! Video and Book Combo
$23.95 plus shipping and tax